April Arman

April Arman,  the former Executive Director of RAHAMA is a one of the original co-founders and is a licensed social worker with nine years of experience in the area of domestic violence. Ms. Arman was Vice Principal and co-founder of Universal school, and Islamic School from 2001 to 2009. As a school administrator the need for specialized services and support for survivors of domestic violence became evident. From 2010 to 2019, Ms. Arman worked for Catholic Charities as part of a Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate VAWA (Violence Against Women Grant) advocate and as a facilitator for a court mandated group for survivors of domestic violence. Ms. Arman has experience working with the Muslim, Burmese and the immigrant and refugee community providing direct service and educational outreach to these target populations. Ms. Arman provided trauma-informed culturally sensitive individual counseling using trained interpreters and facilitated the first Burmese Women’s Support group in the Western New York area.  Ms. Arman has been instrumental in the development of a transitional housing program for survivors that will provide a safe space that caters to the need of this vulnerable population.


Longing to Draw Nearer


The life of a traveler that is drawing nearer to its last breath.

A time for giving away, not amassing; how I loved those garage sales!

The final destination will be returning to my Rabb.

Passing a graveyard:

Ya Allah! Shower your peace and blessings on the inhabitants in their graves

and please shower your peace and blessings on those of us who have yet to join them,

but most certainly will.

Our graves, will they be a place of 

Constriction or expansion?

Each piece of a puzzle that is a pivotal experience or opportunity.

Building upon each other as if in sequence, a divine plan

His loving facilitation

Guides at each step – the many sisters – who fulfilled a purpose,

 some remain and some have moved on

Constriction and expansion.

Earlier in my travels, trying to fit in

Oreo, half breed, words meant to hurt

Not white enough

But not black enough

Able to pass – front seat to whispered discriminations


The question always comes:

Where are you from?

Where do I fit? 


Constriction and expansion.



Searching for meaning

Questions unanswered that “should be taken as a matter of faith”

No such thing as coincidence

Constriction and expansion.

He was a different faith, different culture, from halfway around the world.

Tears, this is too beautiful to last.

What is the difference between culture and religion?

Both are intertwined, oftentimes culture superseding and staining our beautiful faith

The corset of patriarchy for women was never a part of the faith

Constriction and expansion.

Finally, the declaration of faith

Ashadu La illaha illallah, wa Ashadu anna Muhammadur Rasullallah

Not because of marriage but due to conviction

Constriction and expansion.

Raising children as a new Muslim

Co-cofounder of an Islamic School

Our family 

A place of learning, belonging, shelter and development

Transition to high school

As you watch, the struggle to fit in continues in the next generation 

My daughter, Freshman year

First day – do you have a bomb under your scarf?

My son, in his senior year

A Friend: “I can’t be friends with a terrorist”

Pain, tears, depression, acting out….

Constriction and expansion.

My calling


The womb or the Rahm, the source of mercy,

Women’s attachment to the Divine, Ar Raheem

My calling

Working with survivors of domestic violence

Shelter, direct service, advocacy, education, group

Beautiful attachments, amazing strength

Ya Raheem, Ya Fattah, Ya Razak, Ya Hafiz, 

The Merciful, The Opener, The Sustainer and Provider, The Protector

Miracles upon miracles

Light upon light

Establishing an Islamic Institution

 Constriction and expansion.

New leadership

Power and control supersedes collaboration

If I change how I react - will it get better?

Mental gymnastics that lead to emotional exhaustion



Betrayal, feeling like a social pariah, grief

Constriction and expansion

Ya Qahar – the One who has control over all things

The Qadr or decree of Allah 

Catch my breath, reflection, know He is always watching

He is closer to me than my jugular vein

Constriction and expansion.

The struggle to sit still is real

Focus on my heart


Shift of focus from the external to the internal reality

Strive to empty my heart of everything but Him

Beneficial knowledge, repentance, spiritual striving:

A gain in this world is in reality a loss

Constriction and expansion.

Why do we seek the approval of the finite when they cannot benefit us?

A lifetime of seeking approval – wasted time

The freedom of needing only the approval of the Divine

Lessons learned – that lessons need to be unlearned

Constriction and expansion.


Oh, my Lord, who does not sleep

Help me to empty my heart of everything but You.

Talk less, sleep less, eat less

It is in being deprived that we are given

Opportunity for a special nearness

Constriction and expansion.


The best prayers

We get to know Allah through experiencing both His beautiful and majestic attributes

His Jamal and Jalal

The Punisher and the Most Merciful

We will know we have made some progress when our response to His Jalal and His Jamal is the same.

Loss is a gift, just as receiving is a gift.

Do not think your prayer is not answered: your prayer is the answer and the gift.

Without constriction, there is no expansion.


Sisters gathered for a weekend

Each carrying their own vessel of pain

Needing to be heard, able to shed the mask of needing to be strong for others

Tears, vulnerability, overlapping stories, the connection of hearts, 

 lessons learned and amazing strength.

Our spiritual hearts - our Qalub - are not constrained by time and space.

Feeling thankful for such a beautiful opportunity, until we meet again!

Constriction and expansion.