
By Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai


When ‘Be’ was not yet said, nor was

                    there flesh-bone scheme or plan;

When Adam had not yet received

                    his form, was not yet man;

Then my relationship began,

                    my recognition too.


‘Am I not thy Lord?’ came a voice;

                    a voice so sweet and clear;

And I said: ‘Yes’ with all my heart

                    when I this voice did hear;

And with a bond I did adhere 

                   that moment to my love.


Ere God created souls, by saying,

                    ‘Be,’ all one they were;

Together were they – and behold

                    my kinship started there – 

I still this recognition bear

                    with thee, Beloved mine.

By Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, translated by Elsa Kazi in Mahmood Jamal, ed. Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the Early Mystics to Rumi (Penguin Books, 2009)