Kelly Crosby
Kelly Crosby is an artist and freelance writer A New Orleans native, she obtained her bachelor’s degree (2002) and master’s degree (2007) in arts administration from the University of New Orleans. She has shown her artwork in various art venues throughout the United States, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates. In 2018, she was a Sacred Cypher Creative resident artist for the Inner Muslim Action Network in Chicago, Illinois. Her first solo exhibition, “Living the Legacy: The Three Evils” was featured at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. She is currently living in Atlanta, Georgia and manages her online business where she sells her original works, prints, and merchandise. She is also contributing writer for Halal Consumer magazine.
My work is entitled “Empty Womb?”
I was inspired by my thoughts and feelings about being a single, childless Muslim woman.
Sometimes women like me are judged by other Muslims and mainstream American society.
In light of the successes of the women’s rights movement, we are sometimes praised.
So much of our identity is tied to marriage and motherhood. So when marriage and motherhood is not on the table, what is left?
So far, I have found grief and abundance, frustration and freedom, and the calm of a quiet, contemplative life.
Am I expired or inspired by my circumstances? Am I past my prime or am I just getting started on another adventure? Childless or childfree?
I chose to draw a womb and flowers as they are obvious symbols of fertility and womanhood.
I want to challenge the idea of an “empty womb?” Isn’t making art a spiritual act of birth and creation?
We are all creators in our own unique way. And we have value that far surpasses our ability to be mothers and wives.
Our ultimate value is as servants to Ar-Raheem, The Especially Merciful one.
It is very poignant that the root of ar-Raheem is rahm, or womb in Arabic.