Leah Atwa

Leah Atwa is a convert to Islam born and raised in Northern Virginia. She is an ASL interpreter well-known in the Muslim community for creating access for Deaf Muslims through sign language interpretations of Friday prayer, conferences, and more. She is currently working on an initiative to translate the Qur’an into American Sign Language. Leah is also a proud mom of three boys. She believes firmly in patience as a cornerstone of any spiritual path.


Telling another’s story is easier than telling my own. As an interpreter I find comfort and peace hiding behind then anonymity of being “just the interpreter.”

 Saying a lot but being silent at the same time.

Being in front of crowds but remaining unseen as I’m just a part of the scenery. Knowing people are watching but still remaining not the center of attention. I find connections in other’s tales. Felling grounded in the stories I retell with my hands. Filtering knowledge that becomes my own from the pieces left behind.

Patience is a virtue.

This is what I grow up hearing. As I took my step to Islam not only is it a virtue but it is a name of Allah. A Godly trait. To be patient is to be closer to Allah. Its easy to say have patience but to practice the release of any negative energy and harboring no ill feelings is a true measure of patience. To trust in the hands of Allah that there is a plan. Even though you can’t see it now or understand how it will happen when things look bleak.

 Trust in the process. Trust in Allah that it will be okay. You cant rush anything that isn’t its time. 

Take the creation, the caterpillar. This bug for what we see seems insignificant. Disposable, weak, vulnerable, easy to squish. Not pretty in color or great in size but the potential is insurmountable. 

A caterpillar fully trusts Allah that it will become a butterfly. Not fully knowing how it will happen but goes through life and prepares its self for transformation.  The caterpillar is so hungry. Feeding and searching for its next meal. Never getting its fill until its ready for its next stage for transformation. It trusts in Allah’s wisdom.

As it enters into darkness. Cocoon
Working internally 
So many moving parts and changes on the inside
The outside is calm and unmoving
On the inside organized chaos


Hijab is cocoon that allows me to hidden but in reality it can be seen as more of a target. I feel protected and safe in my hijab. The world is taught to feel unsafe by my vail. 

The balance of being a Muslim. Mom, working women, a manager of my time and others time to be the most efficient is fragile. 

Always on the verge of collapse.

Fragile ecosystem 

The balance is so delicate like the wing of a butterfly that any tare is detrimental. What makes the butterfly so beautiful also could be its down fall. 

As the butterfly emerges it takes time for the newly crafted creature to adjust to its new body and state. It unknowingly finds the power in its wings to carry it. 

The purpose of the caterpillar isn’t entirely known until it reaches its full potential of a butterfly. Butterflies are not only beautiful but are sent to serve humanity at the will of Allah. 

They pollinate.
They spread life.
Such a small vessel and yet such great purpose.

We think we can’t change the world but let’s trust in Allah and have patience like the caterpillar. Let him guide us on our path because we are all a butterfly. 

Art explanation 
Art on a black background. Mosaic collage of white, pink and purple flowers in the center. Two Blue Morpho butterflies on the flowers. One butterfly is all blue and black with open wings. One butterfly with wings closed showing brown with circle patterns. On the right a green chrysalis hanging on a tree branch. On the left a leaf a blue morpho butterfly caterpillar with fluffy spikes. Small bits of magazines were ripped and made into a mosaic.