Nahela Morales
Nahela Morales is a dedicated, passionate Mexican Muslim convert, humanitarian, award-winning activist, international public speaker, community organizer, and a mother of one.
She is the co-founder of Embrace, an initiative created for Reverts by Reverts. Their mission is to empower, integrate, and serve our Muslim convert community by providing social and educational space in which to encourage growth, shape Islamic identity, and equip with the knowledge needed for their lifetime journey. She currently serves as the Dallas Chapter lead and Marketing Director.
She has had the opportunity to speak in countries like Sweden, Columbia, Brazil, and her native Mexico. She has represented a variety of oppressed demographics through her years as an activist and humanitarian. Since 2019 she has served on the board of CAIR-Central North, whose mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims. Her dedication and discipline enable her to also mentor and serve on other boards throughout the country including ISPU, World Hijab Foundation to name a couple. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Divinity at Bayan Islamic Graduate School accredited through Chicago Theological Seminary.
At the end of the day Sister Nahela Morales is simply a servant of Allah.
Nahela Morales
Forty-seven years ago, you came into this world at 28 weeks of gestation, just shy of 2 kilos. In everyone's eyes, you seemed fragile, vulnerable, and tiny. Many were doubtful you would make it, little did they know you were ready to conquer the world.
Today, I want to publicly apologize to you for doubting you, putting you down, not accepting you, and unintentionally hurting you. Unfortunately, it has taken me 47 visits around the sun, but here I am, a precious little girl. From the bottom of my heart, I need you to know I am truly sorry. I appreciate your willingness to accept me, love me, and grow with me. I promise you from this day forward I will take good care of you.
Today, I also want to thank you for all that you are and strive to be. For never giving up and always looking at the bright side of things no matter how heavy the load has gotten at times. I know you have been through unimaginable things at a very early age. I also know your fitra and unshakable tawakkul have guided you through it all. I need you to know 3-year-old, I am extremely proud of the woman you have become.
Carry on my sweet sunflower, continue growing, learning, striving, impacting, encouraging, empowering, inspiring all those sent your way, and always remember to thank the One who has got you through it all.
The takeaway in my humble opinion is to forgive, accept, value and love yourself completely and unconditionally. Set yourself free