I Write
I write because my tongue is heavy
My tongue is heavy with thoughts I have bottled up
With tears that won’t come forth
My tongue is heavy with a language I only speak with my mother
A mother I remember at my age
Of memories returning
Of myself returning
My tongue is heavy with words they took from me
With words they twisted and coiled
My tongue is heavy with snakes and silver and whispers of zirconium
My tongue is heavy with histories of my grandmother of her stories ringing in my ears
A ringing of pride – of insisting upon return
A ringing of duties drilled into me as a child
And learning those duties are a construct
My tongue is heavy
It weighs me down
My voice has weighed me down
And in it, I sit in silence
In these words untold
They did create fear
They did break me
But they don’t realize
I don’t carry my pieces
These loves carry me
My sister who teaches me what a partner from birth to death is
My gift from Allah who checks on me when I forget
To my lion of strength who teaches what unrelenting is
To Neda, a reminder of cleansing in the night and freshness of morning
And Yazan – my Taurean grounder – my balance in a world unbalanced
حياتي هؤلاء
بموت فيهم
My siblings and my babies
My students and my teachers
Companions made strangers made companions
From them, light comes forth
I submit these pieces to you
يا رحمان
يا رحيم
يا ودود
يا فتاح الكريم
الحمدلك يا رب العالمين