Sybil Imani
Sybil Imani is an accomplished and energetic professional with a solid history of achievement in change management and employee development. She is a motivated leader with strong organizational and prioritization abilities. Her areas of expertise include excellent communication and mentoring skills, and a personal philosophy to reach a win-win result wherever possible.
Ms. Imani currently serves as a Grant Specialist with The Family Recovery Program, Inc. (FRP). Located in Baltimore Maryland. She joined FRP in 2019 after retiring from serving 37 years with the Social Security Administration, where she ended her career as a director in executive leadership. She has a wealth of knowledge and training in critical and analytical thinking, business writing, public speaking, and organization and staff development.
Having a passion for public service as demonstrated by her career choice Ms. Imani has continued to find means to be of service. She began her time at FRP as a volunteer which turned into a paid position where she supports the organization through grant writing and finding resources and facilitating groups for program participants.
Ms. Imani is co-founder of Millati Islami, The Path of Peace, an Islamic 12 step approach to the disease of addiction. She has 33 years of lived experience in recovery and the recovery community. She specifically works with women in recovery from substance use disorder and families who as a result have experienced trauma. Ms. Imani received training as a group facilitator from the Center for Mind Body Medicine, located in Washington, D.C. and engages groups in breath work and different methods of self-awareness for healing and self-care. She has also completed all training related to Recovery Coaching and the Peer Recovery Support Specialist position and is awaiting certification. She is also a certified group facilitator for the Circle of Security Parenting curriculum.
She is a member of Sisters Alive, a HIV support group for women and has helped to create and participate in 3 videos that focused on African American women and the impacts of living with HIV. Ms. Imani has been living with HIV since 1996.
She lives in Baltimore Maryland and has 3 adult daughters, 1 son-in-love, and 8 grandchildren 4 boys and 4 girls.
Life Shifts and So It Is
Sybil Imani 10.2022
shift [SHift]
VERB- move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance.
NOUN- a slight change in position, direction, or tendency.
Sybil and Company
The coldness is over and once again I see nature being given a chance to renew itself.
A re-masking of all growing things, I see a young girl coming through the end of a barren season.
Growing life within herself, chosen to create two- to live and grow as spring breathes life on to the empty branches of a tree.
Growing life within herself, chosen to create one- to live and grow as spring breathes life on to the empty branches of a tree.
She is frail but strong enough to support the lives within her as branches support the blossoms that bring fruit.
She has been blessed with seeds of love renewing the cycle of life.
Life Shifts and So It Is
Daughter, Fatherless, Abandonment, Sister, Friend, Innocent, Loveable, Seeking
Ar-Rahman- the All Merciful
Al-Quddus- the pure one
I’m shifting
Mother-birthed 2, twin girls at 23, Wife 1982, Addict, Abused, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Seeking God
Al-Qahhar- the Crusher Al- Latif- the Subtle one
Al-Qabid-the Constrictor Al-Basit- the Reliever
Al-Muhyi- the Giver of Life
I’m shifting
Muslimah at 32, 1989 Millati Islami Recovery-The Path of Peace, Wife 1990, Mother-birthed 1 girl,
Daughter, Sister, Friend, Self-Love, the onion begins to peel
As-Salam- the Savior-the state of being free of all faults, error, danger, and trouble.
An-Nur- the Light- Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth (Surah Nur:35)
Al-Muhyi- the Giver of Life
I’m shifting
Muslimah, Recovering Addict, Diagnosed with HIV 1996, Healing, Ya Allah, SubhanAllah,
I’m shifting
Wife 2000, Wife 2004, Mother of 3, Grandmother, Executive, Niece murdered, Domestic violence, Bell’s Palsy, Disfigured face, Sister, Friend, Healing Healer, Sisters Alive video of African American Women Living with HIV, Healer Healing, Motherless Daughter, Grieving, Self-Love, Love of others, Love of Allah
Al humdulillah
Al- Ghaffar-the Forgiver Al-Wali- the Friend and Protector
Al-Mumit – the Taker of Life Al-Bari – the Maker of Order
I’m shifting
Muslimah, Center for Mind Body Medicine 2014, New awakening, Purpose clear, it’s all coming together, do the work, share the work, helping others, Breath work! Healing! Breath work from now on with purpose, seeking through Prayer and Meditation to improve my conscious contact with Allah! The Healer is healing the healer!
Al-Mu’min- the Inspirer of Faith Al-Aziz- the Victorious Al-Ghafur- the Forgiver and Hider of Faults
Al-Wasi- the All Comprehending Al-Haqq- the Truth Al-Hayy-the Everliving One
64 and I want more! Then COVID came in 2021, Hospitalized 2.18.2021 to 4.30.2021. Love, Muslimah, Mother, Grandmother, Recovering Addict, Near death darkness, Near death darkness La illahah ill Allah, Shifting, Shifting Shifting, Love, Alone but not Lonely, Clarity, Joy, Rejoicing, Gratitude, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Love, Empathy, Courage, Humility, Unconditional love, Worthy, Faithful, Prayerful, Healing, Healer, Love, Healing, Servant, Seeker
Mashallah Alhamdulillah SubhanaAllah
Al-Qayyum- the Self-Existing One Al-Muqtadir- the Creator of All Power Al-Hadi- the Guide
Al- Mu’id- the Restorer As-Sabur- the Patient One
33 years clean and not always serene
65 and I’m Alive!
I’m still SHIFTING
May you find peace as I have in a world you may not understand. May the pain you have known give you the strength to face each new situation with courage, love, and obedience. Always remember to pause and take a breath, and to all things say Alhamdulillah.